Whistleblowing and Ombudsperson
All staff, clients or stakeholders may approach GKW's management, compliance officer, compliance correspondent or our Ombudsperson, an accredited lawyer, law firm and NGO in Germany, to report infringements or for advice, upon request confidentially.
Chief Compliance Officer
Mannheim, Germany
Mr. Hans-Peter Lammerich
Phone: +49 621 41077-361
Fax: +49 621 41077-301
Mobile +49 173 3645600
GKW Consult GmbH
Augustaanlage 67
D-68165 Mannheim
Compliance Correspondent
Kolkata, India
Mr. Subhadip Nandi
Phone: +91 33 40176841
Fax: +91 33 40176827
Mobile +91 9674968047
GKW Consult GmbH, India Branch Office
PS Srijan, Corporate Park, Tower 1
Unit No 1304 & 1305, 13th Floor,
Plot No2, Block EP &GP, Sector V,
Bidhan Nagar, Salt Lake, Electronics Complex
Kolkata – 700091, India
Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Malte Passarge
Phone:+49 40 52 51 72
Neuer Jungfernstieg 17
D-20354 Hamburg
Report a suspicion or a violation
GFA is committed to integrity, which is one of our important values and an essential aspect of our business and daily work. In GFA we live a culture of transparent and open behavior and deal with concerns in an open manner.
For situations when an open approach seems not feasible or not appropriate, GFA has a whistleblower portal. Our whistleblower portal is a way to report suspicions or violations of our code of conduct, internal company rules or applicable laws worldwide. It serves the purpose of uncovering misconduct and preventing harm and we assure that there are no negative consequences for any whistleblower who submits a justified report.
All reports are carefully evaluated and handled confidentially. No distinction is made between reports with or without sender reference.
If you wish to receive an answer we kindly ask you provide your best e-mail.
We thank you for your contribution as an important input supporting us to live up to and guarantee our integrity.