Water Resources
The selection of the water source for water supply systems is of utmost importantance and the crucial starting point for water supply systems, both with regard to the quality and quantity of the water.
Water intake works need to deliver the required amount of water at the best available quality and therefore must possess a high degree of reliability, especially where water level and quality vary during the year. Site selection must be done carefully because structural design of surface water intakes (whether on or off shore) can be challenging.
Groundwater often has better quality compared to surface water. Well fields must be assessed for their safe and sustainable yields in order to avoid over pumping of the aquifer.
Our Competencies:
- Hydrological and hydro-geological investigations for surface water and groundwater
- Source selection including site selection for surface water intakes
- Detailed design of water intake works like dams, weirs, on and offshore pumping stations
- Construction supervision: groundwater drilling and other water intake facilities