March 9th, 2016

Diptarup Kahali publishes Article on Environmental Health in Government of India Magazine

Diptarup Kahali, Technical Director at GKW CONSULT India Office, has published a paper on Environmental Health in the February 2016 issue of the Government of India Magazine Yojana. The magazine is published by the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and seeks to promote discussions on problems of social and economic development.

Article summary:
In India, except immunisation, preventive health care has hardly got importance. As a result, health care often becomes a synonym for treatment. The first is that environmental pollution plays a significant role in a number of diseases, and in several cases this adds up to a serious public health concern. Secondly, it is clear that the distribution of risks from these factors is not equal across the world. But overall, the developing world is far more severely affected by pollution. Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, many of these risks and health effects are readily avoidable. Rarely, the solution is in advanced technologies or even expensive drugs. Instead, there is a need for preventive action to reduce the emission of pollutants into the environment in the first place—and this is largely achievable with existing know-how. In India, we need to address proper implementation of many environmental safety programmes through environmental authoritarianism in true sense. Enforcing Authorities should be given more resources to implement the Rules and Policies otherwise always interference of Judicial System is inevitable in Democracy which is not desirable.
