New Major Water Supply Project in Uganda
GKW Consult GmbH in association with Alliance Consultants Ltd. was contracted by the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) to deliver consulting services for the preparation of conceptual designs for the new Drinking Water Treatment Plant near Katosi (east of the capital of Kampala) as well as a bulk transmission main from Katosi to a proposed intermediate reservoir in Nsumba. The subsequent tendering and supervision (based on the FIDIC Yellow Book form of contracting) of the execution of associated works, are also part of this consulting contract.
The project is part of the "Kampala Water - Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation " Plan, which NWSC is implementing for improving the water supply and sanitation situation in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area. The Plan aims at promoting sustainable socio-economic growth and improved health through enhanced access to safe water and thereby contributing to the poverty eradication efforts of the Government of Uganda.
The main objective is to improve the living conditions through provision of safe and reliable water supply. The project targets a population of over 4.5 million people by the year 2025 and over 7 million by the year 2040.