Regional Development
Niger, Progamme for the Promotion of Education and Employment (PP2E)

The project shall improve the living conditions of the population to strengthen the stability of this region in connection with the fight against irregular migration, and support of the Local Authorities throughout the complete project cycle. more
Senegal, Restructuration of Irregular Settlements in Pikine South

The project comprised the restructuration of irregular settlements in urban districts of Dakar (Municipality of Pikine South). more
Niger, Investment Fund for Decentralized Territorial Collectivities (5 phases)

Measures included the rehabilitation and/or construction of rural tracks, anti-erosion measures, watershed management measures, reforestation, and the construction of municipal infrastructure (social, administrative, educational, trading, sanitary).more
Burkina Faso, Fund for the Fight against Child Labor and Trafficking

As an open programme, the project aimed at the sensitization of the population, the creation of social structures in favor of children through identification and realization of projects, infrastructures and activities.more