India, Improvement of urban infrastructure through rehabilitation, improvement and expansion of utilities - Aizawl

Design, Supervision & Management Consultancy-Tranche-3 (DSMC-T3) for Aizawl City, Mizorammore
Australia, Wastewater Treatment Plant Alkimos

Alkimos WWTP is first plant in Australia with state of the art odor treatment with photo-ionisation.more
Uganda, Kampala’s Sewerage System, Extension and Rehabilitation

Reduction of discharge of untreated wastewater into the Lake Victoria in the Kampala area through construction of the two new WWTP’S and the introduction of safe and basic sanitation facilities to the urban population. This will guarantee the long-lasting protection of the ecological equilibrium of Lake Victoria, which serves as resource for the drinking water supply of the area.more
Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, Wastewater Treatment Plant Al Khumrah

Study and design for the rehabilitation and extension of the wastewater treatment plant Al Khumrah.more
Italy, Energy Efficiency of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Monza

The Treatment Process of WWTP San Rocco consists of mechanical pretreatment, biological treatment with C-elimination, clarification, sand filtration disinfection, sludge treatment, anaerobic stabilization and exhaust air treatment. Especially the aeration system and the sludge stabilization showed significant savings potential. more
Morocco, Wastewater Treatment Plant Marrakesh

Supervision and inspection of equipment work of the second phase (secondary and tertiary treatment). The treated wastewater is used for irrigation of a golf course in Marrakesh. The produced biogas will be used for heating of sludge units and local units, the remaining fraction will be transformed into electrical energy.more
United Arab Emirates, Wastewater Treatment Plant Fujairah

Tanqia Dibba FCZ has awarded a contract as owner’s engineer for the following infrastructure components: wastewater system Dibba (main collector, pressure pipes and sewer systems), new construction of Dibba wastewater treatment plant and extension of Fujairah wastewater treatment plant and pumping stations.more