Brazil: Energy Efficiency Study and Promotion of Biogas Technology Bahia

Existing WWTP Jacuípe

The project was part of the DKTI (Deutsche Klima- und Technologie-Initiative) program "Clean Technology Initiative of the German Government" which is a line of specific investments to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in countries that are part of the international cooperation with Germany in various economic sectors. The DKTI investment line covers the official technical and financial cooperation between Germany and Brazil, focusing on energy efficiency and the mitigation of greenhouse gases through the biogas capture and its use in WWTP. The project consisted of three components: 

  • Component 1: Technical studies for the three WWTP Vitória da Conquista, Jacuípe I and Subaé focusing on biogas reuse from the gas produced in UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket ) reactors and energy efficiency
  • Component 2: Technical-economic analysis of an additional secondary treatment of three projected WWTP (Brumado, Camaçari and Bacia Pojuca). Compared treatment process were UASB + Trickling filter, UASB + activated sludge and for Brumado UASB + constructed wetlands
  • Component 3: Study on the centralized or decentralized sludge treatment for the three existing WWTPs Jacuípe I & II and Subaé and the new WWTP Bacia Pojuca


  • Review, completion and analysis of basic data
  • Identification of deficiencies and proposal of improvement measures for the wastewater as well as the sludge treatment
  • Detailed evaluation of the feasibility of biogas reuse
  • Development of a strategy to reduce energy consumption
  • Technical-economical analysis of secondary treatment for 3 existing WWTPs
  • Technical-economical analysis of a comprehensive sludge treatment concept for 3 existing and 1 new WWTP

Technical Data

  • Population equivalent: 9,900 - 478,100 PE
  • Dry wheather flow: 9,900 - 77,000 m³/d
  • Maximum peak flow: 175 - 1,500 l/s
  • Design load: 3,400 - 25,800 kg BOD/d

Client / Financing Agency

Empresa Baiana de Águas e Saneamento S.A. (Embasa) / KfW Entwicklungsbank

Services Period

2015 - 2016


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