Greendustrial Dialogues India, Chennai, 23.02.2023-24.02.2023
Building on the Industrial Water Compendium, the Greendustrial Dialogues bring together German companies in the field of industrial water with users in the target markets. Consul General Michaela Küchler opened the two-day conference with a welcome address.
As a consortium in Chennai, German companies presented the performance and flexibility of the German water and wastewater sector: In exchange with representatives of local industry, current challenges were discussed and solutions for the various industrial sectors were jointly developed.
Dr. Christoph Theune, Managing Director of Tractebel GKW GmbH (now GKW Consult) was also in the delegation. Shovan Ghosh, Country Director India and Thomas Jäger, Head Industrial Water Management from Tractebel GKW GmbH (now GKW Consult) presented “Success Story of India”.